Our regulated and nationally recognised FREC 3, pre-hospital care qualification is ideal for those seeking a career in the emergency services, ambulance service, the event and security medical sector or those who work in high risk workplaces.
Over a 5 day period, learners will gain the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to deal with a range of pre-hospital care emergencies, such as: managing a patient’s airways, catastrophic bleeding, management of fractures, medical emergencies and more.
During this one day Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) course, learners will develop the skills and knowledge needed to deal with a range of emergency first aid situations, including: managing an unresponsive casualty, CPR, choking, shock, wounds and bleeding and minor injuries.
Over a 3 day period, learners will develop the skills and knowledge needed to deal with a range of first aid situations, including: assessing an incident, managing an unresponsive casualty, CPR, heart attacks, choking, head and spinal injuries, fractures, anaphylaxis and more.
During this 1 day course, learners will develop the skills and knowledge needed to deal with a range of paediatric first aid situations, including: managing an unresponsive infant or child, CPR, choking, seizures, external bleeding and more.
Over a 2 day period, learners will develop the skills and knowledge needed to deal with a range of paediatric first aid situations, including: assessing an emergency situation, dealing with an unresponsive infant or child, CPR, choking, meningitis, head and spinal injuries, anaphylaxis, asthma and more.
Over one day, learners’ performance will be optimised to deal with a deteriorating patient, resuscitation attempts and related events. The qualification will develop their existing knowledge and skills in patient assessment, devising a working diagnosis and recognising deterioration and management. Learners’ existing skills will also be developed so that they work effectively in a team to resuscitate patients in medical or traumatic cardiac arrest, in the out of hospital/prehospital environment.
During this one day course, learners will gain amore in depth understanding of how to safeguard and protect children, young people and adults. Topics covered include: safeguarding and protection responsibilities, different forms of abuse and how to respond to disclosure or suspected abuse.
Throughout this 2-day course, learners will develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to actively promote positive mental health in the workplace by covering a range of topics, including: understanding mental health and its importance, awareness of their own well-being as a Mental Health First Aider, common mental health conditions, how to support those experiencing poor mental health at work with tools such as active listening and non-judgmental support.